


   When we send a letter or a postcard, we have to put stamps on the envelope or on the card. When did people first begin to use stamps? Who was the first to think of this idea? Here is some information about it.
   In the early nineteenth century, people did mot use stamps. They had to pay for the letters or postcards they received. People didn' t like it. First, it was not convenient. Second, sometimes they had to pay for the letters they didn't want to receive at all, such as advertisements. Third, the postage was high at that time. And it was difficult for postmen to collect the postage.
   Then one person thought out an idea to solve this problem. He was Rolland Hill, a schoolmaster in England. He was the first to put forward a proposal to use stamps in 1850s. He thought it would be much more convenient for people. They could go to a nearby post office to buy stamps and put them on the envelopes before they sent letters. The post office could simply put seals on the stamps to prevent them from being used again. That was a good idea and it was accepted by tile government finally.
   然后有人想到了一個方法來解決這個問題。他就是Rolland Hill,英格蘭一年學(xué)校的校長。他是第一個在十九世紀(jì)五十年代提出使用郵票這個建議的人,他認(rèn)為這對人們來說會方便得多。在發(fā)信之前他們可以去附近的郵局買郵票,貼在信封上。郵局只需在郵票上蓋上郵戳就能防止郵票被再次使用。這個好想法最終被政府接受了。